Editorial board

Dr Bartels Cornelius

Cornelius Bartels is working as Deputy Head Global Biosecurity – GBSfor the Robert Koch Institute. Previously he has worked at the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control in Stockholm since 2011 where he was leading the centre's activities in the field of biopreparedness and biosecurity. During the Ebola outbreak in 2014 he was assigned as crisis manager to coordinate ECDC's support to health authorities in European countries and EU-institutions as well. Before moving to Sweden, he worked for the Centre for Biological Security at Germany's federal public health agency, the Robert Koch Institute. One of his responsibilities was the implementation of a national training concept for first responders from clinical, pre-clinical and public health side when facing biological incidents. Furthermore he acted as scientific advisor for joint interagency biopreparedness and response at national level. Before transitioning to public health in the early 2000s, Cornelius worked over many years as a specialist for anaesthesiology and intensive care at Berlin University's Medical School. In these periods he also became deeply involved as an emergency physician for ground and airborne recue services. Today, he sometimes misses that dynamic and direct way of working of a time.

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